
Insulated Concrete Forms Videos


NuBuild ICF, via NUDURA, provides a variety of materials to help with design specs, product lists, training and form installation. These videos outline the installation process in detail and will serve Texas residential builders who are considering using ICF products in their next development.

These instructional videos focus mainly on residential building techniques. While the methods used in commercial constructions are similar, commercial building may have different building requirements.

Can’t find it here? Visit the NUDURA Resource Center.

What are ICF’s?

NUDURA Insulated Concrete Forms (NUDURA ICF) are the strongest block in the industry. The patented hinge allows the forms to be shipped flat. The 4 way reversible interlocking forms make placing blocks speedier and reduces waste as there are no lefts or rights, ups or downs. The 8″ standard block is the largest form on the market.

NUDURA ICF Video Slider

NUDURA Resource Center.

Innovation in ICF’s

We love supplying and supporting builders building with NUDURA Insulated Concrete Forms because they can build faster and more efficiently. Our clients are also are able to offer their clients a more eco-friendly structure and long-term energy savings.


This video outlines the steps in building with NUDURA concrete forms. From stacking footings, locking them in place, creating your walls, re-inforcing and bracing them to pouring the concrete in the most effective way and interior/exterior finishes.

Net-Zero Technology

What is Net-Zero?

Net-Zero Case Study

This school was built with net-zero technology.